"One Zambia, One Nation" is Zambia'a motto, the country's first president, Kenneth Kaunda, made a point of establishing policies and using tools that would promote nation-building.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Traditional Zambian lunch!

On Friday after we saw Sara's new law office, we went with her co-worker, Hastings, and friend Ellen to a traditional Zambian lunch and let me start by saying A-MAZING!

Our lunch location, an out door BBQ!

Nshima, a staple here.  Zambians roll this in their hand and flatten it to scoop up food with this like we would with bread.  Imagine cream of wheat in a paste like substance and you have nshima!
Village, free range chicken!
T-bone, mini eggplant, cabbage green, pumpkin greens
Grilled chicken with potato and a whole grilled fish in the back

Rachel and her village chicken, a delicacy here!
Sara and I getting ready to eat!
Me eating my t-bone and nshima! YUM-O!

Avocado Tree

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