"One Zambia, One Nation" is Zambia'a motto, the country's first president, Kenneth Kaunda, made a point of establishing policies and using tools that would promote nation-building.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Cheshire Homes Society of Zambia

On Saturday we started our day at an orphanage called the Cheshire Homes Society of Zambia for disabled children.  Nuns care for the children and had them all sit in their meal room when we arrived via taxi, thank you Mark for the lift!

When we walked in they greeted us with a traditional welcome song and it was really uplifting to see these children with various disabilities singing, laughing, and clapping, so excited for visitors.

Rachel, Sara, and I spent the next 2 hours playing outside with the children and we soon discovered the children like to run and play football, our soccer, swing, and slide down slides!  Several of the children were playing soccer with a very old, small ball so Rachel and I are planning to bring over a few new soccer balls for them. 

When the kids  discovered we had cameras every other activity came to a halt and we spend the next 45 minutes having a photo shoot!  All the kids wanted their pictures taken and then to see what they looked like on camera.  Rachel gave her camera to a very small boy named Peter and he was the photographer for the rest of the time, gathering the others for pictures and taking time for more abstract pictures of the flower bushes.  

When we left, some of the kids had a bit of separation anxiety and we promised to return.  When we go back, in addition to taking some new soccer balls, we plan to take them printed photographs of our play day for them to keep.

Below are a few pictures of the kiddos!

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