"One Zambia, One Nation" is Zambia'a motto, the country's first president, Kenneth Kaunda, made a point of establishing policies and using tools that would promote nation-building.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

109,500 Dinner

Can you believe the cost of our dinner?   Actually, with the exchange rate about 5,000 to $1.00 ( less if you exchange money in the mall like me and then it is 4,100 to $1.00) so dinner really only cost  about $22.00.  

Manda Hill mall, across the street from where we are staying is very westernized.  It even has a new movie theatre that just opened in December complete with a bar and a frozen yogurt place!

What is interesting about the movie theatre here is that it is all assigned seating and there are employees to show you to your leather seat as though you were at a big theatrical production.

Dinner and fro-yo!

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